We recently read On the Edge of the Dark Sea with our early middle school young person. The young person had read it sometime in the last year or so.

I agree with you that for elementary age kids, the intensity is probably way too much.

Our kiddo would like for us to read the next book together, but my husband was annoyed by some of the oddly named characters or things in the story. Cannot give you any examples, and I don't know why the imaginatively created and named creatures bothered him so.

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How fun to read it together! The second book is mostly adventure and not as much "fantasy". There's no new "toothy cows" or anything. The new characters you meet are mostly humans, the most prominent ones being Stranders (a violent homeless community). Pete the Sock Man was kind of a strange character for me but there is a purpose for his "condition" that we see at the end of the second book. I hope you're able to continue in some way!

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